Success or failure usually begins with a single seed, that takes root in your mind and depending on whether that thought-seed is positive or negative; will often determine the road your life will take.
Your mind can be your best friend or your greatest enemy and that choice is down to you. i cannot emphasis enough, the importance of becoming the master of your mind, as opposed to being its servant.
Having a positive mindset is one of the greatest gifts a person can have. A positive mindset can overcome the vast majority of life’s past and present, problems; including health problems, both physical and mental.
Taking responsibility and working to change a mind that harbours negative thoughts, into a mind that only embraces positive thoughts is the first step on the road to changing your life for the better.
Changing your thoughts and replacing negative thoughts with positive thoughts is not the most difficult thing in the world to do. You don’t have to find extra time, nor do you have to learn difficult skills. You simply gradually introduce mindful tasks into your day to day activities and before you know it, your life will be going in a new, exciting and more positive direction.
Start by bringing the following, simple mindful tasks into your day and very soon you will see positive benefits to all aspects of your life.
1. Stop Being Your Own Worst Critic
We all have a voice inside our head that goes on and on and on. Mostly criticising and generally putting us down. Telling us that we are not good enough and pointing out the things we are incapable of doing; constantly pulling our confidence to shreds .There is no other person on the planet who is more capable of taking us apart mentally, than ourselves. We have to tame the voice inside our head and replace the criticism with pleasant and positive comments, highlighting our qualities, echoing what a good person we are and singing our praises. This will work wonders for our mental health, particularly when we are having a bad day.
2. Explore The Things Around You
All of us are guilty of spending large parts of our day, preoccupied with negative thoughts and being blind to the beauty and stimulation that is right there before our very eyes. Change this negative mindset by looking and exploring what is in your house and garden, as if you were seeing what lies before your eyes for the very first time. Engage all your senses in appreciating the wonderful things around you. If you give this one hundred per cent focus, your mind will soon be free from all the negative and destructive thoughts. When you have mastered this mindful appreciation of what is around your home and garden, then venture further afield.
3. Take A Break From The News
One of the things I enjoy most about going on holiday is taking a break from the news. I mostly go on holiday to Spain, where practically every day there is a clear blue sky, with cotton-wool clouds and the most amazing sunsets, which fill me with warm positive energy and quiet and relax my mind. When on holiday I stay clear of the news with its toxic, negativity and energy draining, poison and I feel much better for it. The news is often crammed with negative depressing, disturbing information and it is the last thing you need.
4. Realise That Your Thoughts Don’t Own You
Be perfectly clear; you are in charge of your mind – your mind is not in charge of you. Build the confidence to believe this and get into the habit of stopping negative thoughts the moment they raise their head. Always have a list of positive thoughts that you can replace the negative thoughts with. For example: positive thoughts could be: fun days; or funny incidents with your children or grandchildren; a wonderful night out; stimulating company you have been in. Indeed anything that that was a stand-out, positive and happy experience.
5. Surround Yourself With Positive People
You need to have people around you who feed you positive energy and who won’t promote your negative thoughts: people who will put things into perspective. Make friends with positive people; associate with positive work colleagues and have at least one positive mentor in your life. With positive people around you, their positive thinking, positive vision, positive stories, positive ideas will soon become part of you. Spend as little time as you possibly can with negative people, they will drain every ounce of energy from your body and mind and continually feed and promote any negative thoughts you may have.
5 Top Tips That Will Help You Improve Your Mindset