
Mindfulness is bringing your complete attention to the present moment and focusing on what is happening internally and externally: paying attention to your thoughts and feelings and acknowledging them without judgement.

By focusing your awareness on the present moment you are quieting your mind and removing all negative and destructive thoughts, creating a positive mental state.

We are all guilty of racing through life with our mind on automatic pilot; not stopping to take any notice of what is happening around us. We disengage our minds from all the wonderful experiences that are before us every day and replace them with diversions like television, mobile phones and dwelling on the past. We are missing so much as one meaningless day rolls into another.

Instead of reliving the past, in our minds, and making ourselves depressed, or worrying about the future and ending up with chronic anxiety; whilst our lives pass us by: let us bring a mindfulness meaning to our lives, by living fully in the present moment, aware of and awake to our current experience.

Practising mindfulness can change our lives in so many ways and with it comes gratitude and compassion. Living in the present is incredibly powerful.

There are two parts to mindfulness: the first is living our lives in a mindful way, by applying mindfulness to everyday tasks, and the second part is practicing mindful meditation. Mindfulness can open the door to your heart and the window to your soul, while filling you with a loving kindness that embraces your experiences with compassion.